Ball Mill (Overfilling)

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This article describes several methods for estimating the maximum volumetric flow capacity of an overflow ball mill, including the Shi (2016) and Arbiter (1991) approaches.[1][2]

Model theory

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Shi method

The Shi overflow discharge ball mill overfilling model may be invoked from the Excel formula bar with the following function call:

=mdMillOverfilling_Shi(Parameters as Range)

Invoking the function with no arguments will print Help text associated with the model, including a link to this page.

The Parameters array and model results are defined below in matrix notation, along with an example image showing the selection of the same arrays in the Excel interface:

Figure 3. Example showing the selection of the Parameters (blue frame), and Results (light blue frame) arrays in Excel.

Arbiter method

The Arbiter overflow discharge ball mill overfilling model may be invoked from the Excel formula bar with the following function call:

=mdMillOverfilling_Arbiter(Parameters as Range)

Invoking the function with no arguments will print Help text associated with the model, including a link to this page.

The Parameters array and model results are defined below in matrix notation, along with an example image showing the selection of the same arrays in the Excel interface:

Figure 4. Example showing the selection of the Parameters (blue frame), and Results (light blue frame) arrays in Excel.


The Ball Mill Overfilling Indicator model is an optional calculation for tumbling mill units. If selected, the input and display parameters below are shown.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Display Description/Calculated Variables/Options
HelpLink ButtonModelHelp.png Opens a link to this page using the system default web browser. Note: Internet access is required.
MillDiameter Input/Display Diameter of the mill (inside liners).
BellyLength Input/Display Length of the cylindrical section (belly) of the mill (inside liners).
TrunnionDiameter Input/Display Diameter of the trunnion (inside liners).
ConeAngle Input/Display Angular displacement of the cone surface from the vertical direction.
FracCS Input/Display Fraction critical speed of the mill.
Jt Input/Display Volumetric fraction of the mill occupied by balls and coarse rock (including voids).
ViscidityCoeff Input Coefficient of viscidity.
V1 Display Volume of slurry below slurry pool level.
V2 Display Volume of slurry above slurry pool level.
V1 Display Total volume of slurry in charge and pool.
AxialVelocity Display Axial velocity of slurry flow through the charge and pool.
tRes Display Residence time of slurry in mill.
tLimit Display Shi's suggested lower limit of residence time for mill. Based on mill diameter.
Feed.SLQv Display Volumetric flow rate of slurry (solids + liquids) in mill feed.
Feed.SLQv.Limit Display Estimated volumetric flow rate of slurry (solids + liquids) in mill feed at tLimit.
Overfilled True/False Indicates if tRes is less than tLimit, i.e. mill is overfilled.
MillDiameter Input/Display Diameter of the mill (inside liners).
FracCS Input/Display Fraction critical speed of the mill.
Jt Input/Display Volumetric fraction of the mill occupied by balls and coarse rock (including voids).
Feed.SLQv Display Volumetric flow rate of slurry (solids + liquids) in mill feed.
Feed.SLQv.NqLimit Display Estimated volumetric flow rate of slurry (solids + liquids) at Arbiters critical flow number limit.

See also


  1. Shi, F., 2016. An overfilling indicator for wet overflow ball mills. Minerals Engineering, 95, pp.146-154.
  2. Arbiter, N., 1991. Dimensionality in ball mill dynamics. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 8(2), pp.77-81.