Template:SysCAD (Page, Stirred Mill, Perfect Mixing, Ri/Di)

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Ri/Di page

This page displays the scaling factors and breakage rate per discharge rate for each size interval computed by the Perfect Mixing model.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Display Description/Calculated Variables/Options
StirrerDiameter Display Value of the stirrer diameter factor for rate scaling.
MediaHeight Display Value of the media height factor for rate scaling.
StirrerSpeed Display Value of the stirrer speed factor for rate scaling.
StirrerStarts Display Value of the stirrer starts factor for rate scaling.
StirrerTurns Display Value of the stirrer turns per start factor for rate scaling.
MediaSize Display Value of the media size factor for rate scaling.
WorkIndex Display Value of the Work Index factor of each ore species for rate scaling.
Size Display Size of each interval in internal mesh series.
MeanSize Display Geometric mean size of each interval in internal mesh series.