Template:Model theory (Text, Whiten and White Partition Curve)

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  • is the index of the size interval, , is the number of size intervals
  • is the corrected fraction of particles of size interval in the feed reporting to the oversize stream (frac)
  • is the geometric mean size of the size interval (mm)
  • is the number of trials per unit length parameter (/m)
  • is the length of the screening area (or panel) in the direction of flow (m)
  • is the fraction open area of the screen deck/panels (m2/m2)
  • is length (the longer side) of the screen deck/panel aperture (m)
  • is width (the shorter side) of the screen deck/panel aperture (m)

Whiten and White's equation was modified by Dehghani et al. (2002) to include a term for irregularly shaped particles, and is generalised to:[1]


and is the representative aspect ratio of the particle population, the ratio of the second longest to the longest dimensions of a particle (mm/mm)

The aspect ratio property, , allows for the balanced screening of 'flaky' or 'elongated' particles on slotted meshes. Dehghani et al.'s relation reduces to Whiten and White's original equation when .

Firth and Hart (2008) suggested a simple modification to a partition curve to account for the observed entrainment of fine particles in an oversize stream, with decreasing probability as particle size increases:[2]


  • is the actual fraction of particles of size interval in the feed reporting to the oversize stream (frac)
  • is the fraction of the finest particles or feed liquids split to the oversize stream (frac)
  • is the size constant
  1. Dehghani, A., Monhemius, A.J. and Gochin, R.J., 2002. Evaluating the Nakajima et al. model for rectangular-aperture screens. Minerals engineering, 15(12), pp.1089-1094.
  2. Firth, B. and Hart, G., 2008. Some aspects of modeling partition curves for size classification. International journal of coal preparation and utilization, 28(3), pp.174-187.