Fine Mineral Recovery

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Enhanced Mineral Recovery Through Solid/Liquid Separation of Low Pulp Density Feed

Bear Rock Solutions (BRS) have experience in a range of industries beyond mainline mining, On the basis of work in the industrial minerals sector, it is proposed that some of the treatment methods used can be modified and customised to enhance mineral recovery from slurries containing fine particles, often in association with clays.

In order to develop a customized treatment path, the mineral assemblage (both gangue and target) need to be evaluated and the attributes of the minerals, in terms of separation ability, defined.

In circuits for fine mineral separation, there is a requirement to modify the streams, both in terms of controlling the width of the particle size distribution in a stream and also modifying the pulp density to suit thickening, filtration and recovery methods.

When dealing with fine particle separation, a key aspect is the use of high force methods. In relation to gravity separation and thickening, high centrifugal forces are required, whilst in flotation, high shear force is required. Similarly, during any filtration, the system will need to rely on high pressure to deliver the desired outcome.

When considering the combination of equipment within a fine recovery circuit, there are a range of factors that must be addressed, including the avoidance of excess entrainment, impacts of viscosity and methods for delivering reagents to the surface of particles.

On the basis of what is known, combinations of methods suited to the feedstock, will include, although not exclusively:

  • Comminution (crushing and grinding);
  • Materials handling (dry and wet);Sizing (dry and wet);
  • Scrubbing;
  • Thickening;
  • Gravity separation;
  • Flotation;
  • Filtration;
  • Neutralization;
  • CCD;
  • Acid leaching;
  • Crystallization;
  • Precipitation;Ion Exchange;
  • Drying;
  • Packaging.

Other unit processes, may also be required to meet certain unique features relating to a given feedstock and this would be determined on the basis of the mineralogical characteristics and testwork.

Systems of the type outlined above will potentially have application across any mineral commodity area where there is a need to target fine mineral recovery, either with, or without, the presence of clay minerals.