Tumbling Mill (Power, Hogg and Fuerstenau)

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This article describes the Hogg and Fuerstenau (1972) method for estimating the power draw of a tumbling mill.[1]

Model theory

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The Hogg and Fuerstenau mill power model may be invoked from the Excel formula bar with the following function call:

=mdMillPower_HoggFuerstenau(Parameters as Range)

Invoking the function with no arguments will print Help text associated with the model, including a link to this page.

The Parameters array and model results are defined below in matrix notation, along with an example image showing the selection of the same arrays in the Excel interface:


  • is the type of mill, 0 = autogenous or semi-autogenous, 1 = ball
  • is the volume of the charge (m3)
  • is the mass of balls in the mill (t)
  • is the mass of rocks in the mill (t)
  • is the mass of slurry in the interstitial charge void space (t)
  • is the mass of excess slurry above the charge (t)
Figure 2. Example showing the selection of the Parameters (blue frame), and Results (light blue frame) arrays in Excel.

Please note the Excel function expects the mill diameter () and length () values in units of meters, which are internally converted to feet for use in the power equation presented above.


The Hogg and Fuerstenau power model is an optional calculation for tumbling mill units. If selected, the input and display parameters below are shown.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Display Description/Calculated Variables/Options
HelpLink ButtonModelHelp.png Opens a link to this page using the system default web browser. Note: Internet access is required.
MillType AG/SAG or Ball/Rod Type of mill, AG/SAG (RockMass, no AboveBallsSLMass) or Ball (AboveBallsSLMass, no RockMass).
MillDiameter Input/Display Diameter of the mill (inside liners).
MillLength Input/Display Length of the mill (inside liners).
FracCS Input/Display Fraction critical speed of the mill.
ChargeFilling Input/Display Volumetric fraction of the mill filled with charge, including balls and interstitial voids between balls.
BallFilling Input/Display Volumetric fraction of the mill filled with balls, including slurry and interstitial voids between balls.
InterstialSLFill Input/Display Volumetric fraction of the interstitial charge void space occupied by slurry.
LiftAngle Input Lift angle of the charge.
PowerLosses Input Fraction of power lost due to mill drive efficiency ().
SolidsFraction Display Mass fraction of solids in the slurry phase.
OreDensity Display Density of solids.
BallDensity Input/Display Density of balls.
Voidage Input/Display Volumetric fraction of interstitial void space in the charge
ChargeVolume Display Volume of charge in the mill.
BallMass Display Mass of balls in the mill.
RockMass Display Mass of coarse rocks in the mill (AG/SAG only).
InterstitialSLMass Display Mass of slurry occupying charge void space.
AboveBallsSLMass Display Mass of excess slurry resident outside/above charge (Ball mill only).
RhoSlurry Display Density of slurry phase.
ApparentDensity Display Density of total charge (including balls, rock, slurry and voids).
BallsPower Display Power drawn by the ball component of the mill load.
RocksPower Display Power drawn by the rock component of the mill load.
SlurryPower Display Power drawn by the interstitial slurry component of the mill load.
OverfillingPower Display Power drawn by the overfilling, or excess, slurry component of the mill load (when the interstitial voids are completely filled with slurry).
NetPower Display Net power drawn by the mill (excluding drive inefficiencies).
GrossPower Display Gross power drawn by the mill (including drive inefficiencies).

See also


  1. Hogg, R., 1972. Power relationships for tumbling mills. AIME Trans., 252, pp.418-423.