Template:SysCAD (Page, Ball Mill, Perfect Mixing, Load)

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Load page

This page displays information about the balls, solids and liquids that currently comprise the mill load.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Display Description/Calculated Variables/Options
SLCapacity / SLVtCap Input / Display The maximum volume of slurry the mill can contain before overflow.
SLCharge / SLVtCharge Display Only appears if DischargeType is 'Overflow'. The maximum volume of slurry that can fill the charge void space.
SLVolume / SLVt Display The total volume of slurry currently in the mill.
SLLevel / SLLvl Display The current slurry volume (SLVolume) as a fraction of the maximum slurry volume before overflow (SLCapacity).
SolidMass / SMt Display The mass of solids with the SysCAD size distribution property currently in the mill.
LiquidMass / LMt Display The mass of liquids plus solids without the SysCAD size distribution property currently in the mill.
BallMass / BMt Display The mass of ball media in the mill.
Size Display Size of each interval in internal mesh series.
MeanSize Display Geometric mean size of each interval in internal mesh series.
Load Display The mass of solids with the SysCAD size distribution property currently in the mill, by size and species.