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Welcome to Met Dynamics Wiki

Online documentation for Met Dynamics' mineral processing unit models and software tools. Use the search box at the top right, or select a link below to investigate the main topics.

Please visit the Met Dynamics Website for information about our products and services.

General Information

Software Version

Latest version: Met Dynamics Models v2.0.3 (13 August, 2024)

Latest Updates

13 August 2024
IconMetDynamics.png Met Dynamics Models v2.0.3 is released:
  1. Added new option for multicomponent Hydrocyclone (Narasimha-Mainza) model IconExcel.svg.pngIconSysCAD.png
  2. Added Air Classifier (Altun) to SysCAD Classifier unit model IconSysCAD.png
  3. Added Stirred Mill (Power, Heath) option for HIG mills to SysCAD Mill unit model IconSysCAD.png
  4. New Crushing and Grinding Example project showcases multicomponent ore-blending (hard/soft) and throughput constraint modelling IconSysCAD.png
31 May 2024
Info icon 002.svg.png Met Dynamics Models SysCAD Add-On and example projects are now officially distributed with SysCAD software.
IconSysCAD.png New Crushing, Grinding and Flotation Example project showcases integrated comminution, classification and flotation simulation.
27 May 2024
IconMetDynamics.png Met Dynamics Models v2.0.2 is released:
  1. Added two-product, three-product and n-product formula mass balancing calculation tools IconExcel.svg.png
  2. SysCAD Gravity Concentrator Jig (King) model is now multi-stage/compartment IconSysCAD.png
  3. Various fixes and improvements to existing unit models and calculation tools IconExcel.svg.pngIconSysCAD.png


Mill Tools

Main topics:

Other Tools

Main topics:

Please report documentation or software errors to